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€5,000 for HoN in the ESL Major Series

Esta es una discusión para el tema €5,000 for HoN in the ESL Major Series en el foro Heroes of Newerth, bajo la categoría MOBAs; Hola amigos, La ESL (Electronic Sports League), está organizando una Liga de HoN, las inscripciones terminan el 6 de Febrero. ...
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  1. #1
    Senior Member Avatar de FrNk
    Fecha de ingreso
    29 abr, 07
    Gummynet D;

    Predeterminado €5,000 for HoN in the ESL Major Series

    Hola amigos, La ESL (Electronic Sports League), está organizando una Liga de HoN, las inscripciones terminan el 6 de Febrero.

    The upcoming season's games and prize distribution.

    Heroes of Newerth (5on5): €5,000
    Counter-Strike: Source (5on5): €3,000
    Call of Duty: Black Ops (5on5): €2,500
    Trackmania (Team mode): €2000
    Quake Live (2on2 TDM): €1,000
    Pro Evo Soccer (1on1): €750
    FIFA (1on1): €750


    To determine the best teams to play the ESL Major Series, we will host some qualifier cups starting on Sunday, 6th of February. The cups will be held in 5on5 mode. Here are all the dates and information about the upcoming qualification period. It is depending on the sign ups how many cups and how many teams we will make.


    Team Size: 5on5
    Maps: Forest of Calvadar
    Mode: Best of 1
    Qualification: Top 4 of each cup qualify for ESL Major Series Season 8

    Les dejo el link para mas info:

    Saludos :D.

    HoN: GuMmyBear` - MoneyMaker Team

  2. #2
    Senior Member Avatar de FrNk
    Fecha de ingreso
    29 abr, 07
    Gummynet D;

    Predeterminado Re: €5,000 for HoN in the ESL Major Series

    Estoy revisando y creo que solo es para EU :(, bueno en todo caso lo veo en la noche con mas tranquilidad, cualquier cosa q averiguen sobre esto publiquenla aquí. Gracias :D

    HoN: GuMmyBear` - MoneyMaker Team

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