Esta manana, Zdravko "Insomnia" Georgiev estuvo envuelto en un accidente de carros. El taxista que iba a llevar a insomnia al aeropuerto para viajar a USA para participar en BlizzCon, choco contra un camion que estaba siendo manejado por un hombre bajo las influencias del alcohol. Insomnia actualmente esta hospitalizado con un traumatismo en la pierna derecha y muchos cortes.
No podra asistir a BlizzCon en Anaheim. team SK esta aliviado que Insomnia no tiene heridas mayores


Insomnia In Car Accident

This morning, was involved in a car accident. According to to Martin "420" Kadinov, who has been in contact with Zdravko, the taxi that was to take Zdravko to the airport got hit by a drunk driver who crossed an intersection on a red light. Insomnia's taxi was hit from the side where he was sitting.

Zdravko is currently hospitalised with a traumatised right leg and several bruises. He was on his way to the airport to leave for USA to participate in the BlizzCon Invitational, but because of the accident he will be unable to go to Anaheim.

SK Gaming is immensely sad to hear about this, and we are relieved that he did not sustain more serious injuries. Our thoughts are with Zdravko and we hope for a quick recovery for him.
