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dieron de baja a cuentas en los mantenimientos?

Esta es una discusión para el tema dieron de baja a cuentas en los mantenimientos? en el foro Knight Online, bajo la categoría Top Games; hace tiempo que no juego (desde los primeros dias que aparecio el empire que tuve que sacar internet) y ahora ...
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  1. #1
    Fecha de ingreso
    04 jun, 05
    mdp // ARG \\ Nacion: Karus Nation Servers: Xig & Beramus

    Predeterminado dieron de baja a cuentas en los mantenimientos?

    hace tiempo que no juego (desde los primeros dias que aparecio el empire que tuve que sacar internet) y ahora que quise volver a jugar me encontre con que todas mis cuentas son inaccesibles..
    veo q cambiaron un par de cosas, los pass y las politicas de nombrado de las cuentas, alguien sabe si se hizo una limpieza de las cuentas que estaban sin uso (unos 6 meses) ?? me quise loguear desde la pagina pero tampoco me deja, algun consejo? quiero recuperar mis cuentas!


  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 mar, 06


    si men... te llegaba un correo diciendo que tu cuenta iba a ser removida a menos que la juegues o algo asi.. lo malo es que llega atu correo no deseado.... el cual se elimina despues de 2o 3 dias... asiq ue ya fuiste men..

  3. #3
    Fecha de ingreso
    15 feb, 06


    que no cunda el panico paga la gold
    y habla con el gm
    para un roll back
    deben tener tu cuenta bajo algun back up

  4. #4
    OgrO VIP Member Avatar de GroG
    Fecha de ingreso
    01 sep, 02
    Elf's land


    During this period of housekeeping, we will be removing all old characters from our database which has been inactive and have not logged in since February 2005 till this month February 2006. Players would need to login a total of 3 times to their accounts from the 20th of February - 8th of March 2006 in order for their characters to be still playable. Characters which do not login during that period will be cleared from the game database. We are doing so in order to keep the Database free from lags which can assist in increasing the server's performance.

    Knight Online currently has launched multiple items to assist players in increasing their gaming experience as well as events which are still up and coming. Join us now and inherit the power of the Knights!

    The Knight Online Team
    Esto es solo fue para Myko.
    Maynor Freyre

  5. #5
    Secret Service Moderador Avatar de JaCoX
    Fecha de ingreso
    14 may, 04
    Winter is coming!


    Cita Iniciado por maynor
    During this period of housekeeping, we will be removing all old characters from our database which has been inactive and have not logged in since February 2005 till this month February 2006. Players would need to login a total of 3 times to their accounts from the 20th of February - 8th of March 2006 in order for their characters to be still playable. Characters which do not login during that period will be cleared from the game database. We are doing so in order to keep the Database free from lags which can assist in increasing the server's performance.

    Knight Online currently has launched multiple items to assist players in increasing their gaming experience as well as events which are still up and coming. Join us now and inherit the power of the Knights!

    The Knight Online Team
    Esto es solo fue para Myko.
    Agree a mi tambien me llego este correo porque me olvide de jugar el MIKO :cry:

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