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WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

Esta es una discusión para el tema WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion? en el foro WoW, bajo la categoría Top Games; Segun WOWRIOT This info comes straight from the mouth of three GM’s, so while I have no “official” statement from ...
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  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    12 ene, 06

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    Segun WOWRIOT

    This info comes straight from the mouth of three GM’s, so while I have no “official” statement from a Blizzard rep (I don’t have any sources inside Blizzard, just a few GM’s that work for them, looking after WoW and battle.net) it should still be considered solid information as all three have seen multiple new areas and are just part of a “plethora” of testers that Blizzard has in these new zones.

    The first of these expansions has something to do with the Emerald Dream, as there are currently seven “rather large” zones that are related to the Emerald Dream. These are already “fairly fleshed out” with plenty of quest NPC’s and content. The zones themselves are a lot “greener” than anything previously found in WoW, with many “giant” flowers, trees and lakes. My sources said “think Zangarmarsh, but greener, and with much more foliage. The giant mushrooms are replaced with giant flowers, fields of green, and plenty of foliage.” The creatures in these zones are mostly "animal like" at the moment.

    Next up there are a few zones that are in “very early” stages of development. The strange part is that they are in no way connected to either the Emerald Dream or the content that Blizzard is working on for the Lich King expansion. These zones are more “Waterworld themed” (Waterworld is an older movie starring Kevin Costner. Look it up.)

    There is a zone that contains a “barely floating city, surrounded by a huge body of water”; there are quite a few more “graphics for ships, with big galleons here and there”; and finally there is a new “giant sea creature”. However nothing in these zones is scripted and they are just walked around in for the moment. The sea creature can already be spawned; then again it can be spawned in any zone as long as the command is known, even in good old Azeroth. There are also a few more “Waterworld” based zones out there, but they are not yet populated or finished.

    My sources believe that Blizzard is working on the next two expansion packs to the game. One themed on the Emerald Dream, and the other on what looks like “Waterworld”. I have no release dates, however the three commented on how they “have to be done with a few zones by July 2009”. Which puts one expansion pack on track for late 2009, early 2010.

    I have no other knowledge on what else comes with the expansion, but one can assume that we will get a higher level cap and more skills.

    Fuente: http://wowriot.gameriot.com/blogs/Mo...-Emerald-Dream

  2. #22
    Senior Member Avatar de Xelloss
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    27 abr, 05

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    ya me lo suponia eso del sueño esmeralda estaba hecho tambien sospeche q ese enorme mar al centro no hiba a estar pintado asi q 2 expansiones proximas eh? interesante

    mas bien me gustaria darle una recomendaciona blizz q se consigan mejores designers porq no nos esta gustando para nada los nuevos tiers q crean -_-

    definitivamente diran mas q esto en el blizzcon asi q preparense para las buenas nuevas...

  3. #23
    Senior Member
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    12 ene, 06

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    si los nuevos modelos dejan mucho que desear, todos los capos designers y la fuerza elite debe estar en las nuevas entregas de Starc, diablo y el nuevo mmo

  4. #24
    Senior Member Avatar de TSum
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    30 abr, 04

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    ajap ! los tiers si deben mejorar =) , y yo a las justas tengo el burning xD y ya quizas sale otra :P !
    al menos mi pequeño druida esta subienod y ya casi llega a 70 =D

  5. #25
    Member Avatar de Arkhen
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    10 jun, 08

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    Durante el anuncio de BC hubo una info filtrada en los foros de Blizz (la eliminaron rapido) pero algunos lo fueron reposteando en foros/blogs

    - Draenor Set

    Azuremyst Isle – 1 to 10
    Bloodmyrk Isle – 10 to 20

    Eversong Forest – 1 to 10
    Quel’thalas – 10 to 20
    Hellfire Peninsula – 58 to 62
    Zangarmarsh – 60 to 64
    Terokkar Forest – 61 to 65
    The Deadlands – 63 to 67
    Nagrand – 64 to 68
    Blade’s Edge Mountains – 66 to 70
    Netherstorm – 67 to 70
    Shadowmoon Valley – 69 to 70

    - Northrend Set

    Borean Tundra – 67 to 70
    Howling Fjord – 67 to 70
    Dragonblight – 69 to 72
    Grizzly Hills – 70 to 73
    Crystalsong Forest – 72 to 75
    Zul’drak – 73 to 76
    Sholazar Basin – 75 to 79
    Storm Peaks – 76 to 80
    Icecrown Glacier – 78 to 80

    - Maelstrom Set

    Gilneas – 77 to 80
    Grim Batol – 78 to 81
    Kul Tiras – 79 to 82
    Kezan – 81 to 86
    Tel Abim – 83 to 85
    Zandalar – 84 to 87
    Plunder Isle – 86 to 88
    The Broken Isles – 87 to 90
    The Maelstrom – 89 to 90

    - Plane Set

    Pandaria – 1 to 10
    Hiji – 10 to 20

    Wolfenhold – 1 to 10
    Xorothian Plains – 10 to 20

    The Green Lands – 88 to 91
    The Dying Paradise – 91 to 94
    The Emerald Nightmare – 94 to 97
    The Eye of Ysera – 97 to 100

    Deephome – 88 to 91
    Skywall – 91 to 94
    The Abyssal Maw – 94 to 97
    The Firelands – 97 to 100

    - Legion Set

    K’aresh – 96 to 99
    Argus Meadowlands – 97 to 100
    Mac’Aree – 99 to 100
    Maw of Oblivion – 100+

    Ahora teniendo en cuenta que esto estaba desde antes del anuncio de wrath y las zonas coincidan y sumenle lo de Cataclym/Maelstrom...
    Blood Elf Paladin 85 Orc Shaman 85 Blood Elf Mage 83 Tauren Druid 62 Nathrezim - US

  6. #26
    Senior Member Avatar de Fonzie
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    22 feb, 07
    Home! Sweet Home!

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    realmente creo lo de el maelstrom set es posible me encantaria entrar a grim batol xD quiero matar a deathwing de una vez .... y en lo que respecta a lo de

    PANDARIA xD (algo ridiculo pero bueno me creare uno DK xD) ya se explica porque botaron a los chinos xD
    your mom is so fat... chain lightning hit her twice

  7. #27
    Senior Member Avatar de Dzargok
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    19 dic, 04

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    Ala muy rápido está pasando todo esto >.< ya no soy tan hardcore como antes para mantener este ritmo >.<

    Pero si sale una pela de WoW alguna vez iré a verla 10 veces al cine, hace rato que deberían sacar una y de un buen estudio como New Line Cinema que hizo LOTR

    Sería el boom. Hay demasiadaaaa historia que contar
    David the Insane - Worgen Death Knight lv85 - Mannoroth-US Alliance - Enchanting 525 / Jewelcrafting 485+

  8. #28
    Senior Member Avatar de Jackal
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    23 jun, 05

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    Nivel 100+? Seguro meterán un Kiljaeden Reloaded... :D
    Eso de que salga Pandaria, no lo creo... si en China nomás hacen alboroto por los Undeads sólo porque los encuentran repulsivos, y aparte que en WoW puedes matar dragones, sabiendo que el dragón para ellos es como su "gallito de las rocas".
    Si piensan insertar un par de razas más, no dudo que la opción sea meter a los goblins (En Horda seguro... no tendría gracia llenar de puras razas enanas a la Alianza) y Worgs (En Alianza), eso que no considero otra raza (Nagas).
    -- :lol: --
    Mucha gente sueña por la noche con volar, nosotros salimos por la noche y volamos.

  9. #29
    Senior Member Avatar de Xelloss
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    27 abr, 05

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    WTF! no mames jajajajjajaj de donde sacaron eso! me huele a spoiler no creo q sea real aunq lo paresca las locaciones definitivamente existen pero nose.... creo q blizzard tiene en mente llevarse todo el dinero de los adictos al wow si este cd key de wotlk esta 41 dolares el proximo set estara 51 el proximo 61 yasi subiendo hasta q sea impagable T_T

    si essto es cierto para luego de este parche saldran la raza los pandas y los wolfs wtf...

  10. #30
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 ene, 06

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?


    The Emerald Dream

    * Related areas: Emerald Dream, Emerald Paradise, Emerald Nightmare, lesser, unfinished Emerald Dreams.
    * Possible new hero classes: dragonsworn, spirit walker.
    * Related intelligent/playable races: Children of Cenarius, sprite, furbolg, treant, dryad, satyr, and celestial.
    * Related opposing forces: The Nightmare, Druids of the Nightmare, and the Old God behind it.
    * Nethaera says: "As for the Emerald Dream, there are no plans for anything as of yet but it is a consideration for the future. The Emerald Dream opens up a lot of different opportunities and the Burning Crusade is definitely not going to be the last of the expansion packs. There are many different places and storylines that can be pursued. The story is going to keep growing and as it does so, people will get to experience it."
    * Possible extra stuff: Spirit mounts you can use while corpse running, portals and/or shortcuts to several places in the world. Lore states that powerful druids can obtain supernatural abilities in the Dream, unknown if playable druids are powerful enough.
    * Although not officially announced, Emerald Dream is planned for release after Wrath of the Lich King

  11. #31
    Senior Member Avatar de Nasdak
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    30 nov, 06

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    segun lei que ese post que aparecio con todas las posibles expasion del wow era una copia de un post del Friends And Family Forum de WoW alpha ahi por el 2003.

  12. #32
    Senior Member Avatar de Xelloss
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    27 abr, 05

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    mmmmm a mi parecer tendremos noticias en el blizzcon sobre estos rumores precipitados creo yo.

    peor de algo estoy seguro q las twin blades q vemos en darnassus los demon hunters entrenando en the black temble con sus twin blades no son de puro adorno definitivamente tendremos los demon hunters kien sabe cuando pero los tendremos!

  13. #33
    Senior Member Avatar de Nasdak
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    30 nov, 06

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    reroll goblin rogue!!!???

  14. #34
    Senior Member
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    26 oct, 03

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    Wolfenhold – 1 to 10
    me suena a .. http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?topic=79546.0
    Kazzer's Games
    CC Plaza Vitarte Block "B" Stand "120-121"
    Raideando en Ragnaros

  15. #35
    Senior Member Avatar de LansXero
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    13 jun, 04

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    Cita Iniciado por Kazzer Ver mensaje
    Lo realmente "extraño" es que hayan mascaras de Worgen MUJER; no hay ningun NPC Worgen femenino en el juego, es lo que le da mas "fuerza" al rumor.

    Por cierto, sabian que Worgen al reves es NEGROw? xD y encima botaban antes sandias, cosa que los esclavos en USA solian plantar.

  16. #36
    Senior Member Avatar de MSC^BlueEyes
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    25 jun, 06

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    Goblin rogue, hajahaha sería brutal, de una hago reroll.
    Bueno ya que estamos con esto de las redes sociales, ahí va mi tumblr:

  17. #37
    Senior Member Avatar de Nasdak
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    30 nov, 06

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    mas me anima la idea de un Tinker

  18. #38
    Senior Member Avatar de Turi
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    24 jun, 08

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    Un ingeniero.
    Mi buen dia comienza cuando el de un Blizzard-Activision fanboy termina.:cry::lol:

  19. #39
    Senior Member Avatar de Xelloss
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    27 abr, 05

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    waaaa q asco goblins no corre no tendria nada de novedoso prefiero ver a los pandas y los lobos se ven bien almenos su cara xD

  20. #40
    Senior Member Avatar de Jackal
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    23 jun, 05

    Predeterminado Re: WoW Cataclism, 4ta expansion?

    :arrowu: Alianza no...?
    Lo de poder escoger Goblins ya se caía de maduro, así a los "aliancistas" les entregan una raza en donde "puedan descargar su odio" al igual que nosotros como con los Gnomes :cheesy:
    Aunque sería legal que ambas razas puedan empezar neutrales, y que te suelten quests de acuerdo a la facción donde quieres entrar.
    -- :lol: --
    Mucha gente sueña por la noche con volar, nosotros salimos por la noche y volamos.

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