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I want to contact Classmates support

Esta es una discusión para el tema I want to contact Classmates support en el foro PC - Steam, bajo la categoría Plataformas; Once you sign up for a free account, they send you emails with blurry photos and names of people you ...
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  1. #1
    Fecha de ingreso
    27 oct, 20

    Predeterminado I want to contact Classmates support

    Once you sign up for a free account, they send you emails with blurry photos and names of people you may have gone to school with. I was stupid, gave up and got a subscription for 3 months. Virtually no one in my class has a plus membership, so there isn't much to see or do. And there are a lot of fake profiles out there too - I know I didn't go to school with Bob Saget. Anyway, don't be stupid like me and don't pay for a membership because it's a scam.

  2. #2
    Fecha de ingreso
    19 nov, 20

    Predeterminado Re: I want to contact Classmates support

    Howdy! Many of us, after finishing school, have lost contact with our schoolmates, as we have dispersed all over the world and live our own lives. It was to find old friends that the social network Classmates was created. Here school friends can easily find each other, share their photos and just chat. It is worth saying that classmates are a little different from the usual social networks and are not completely free, but still very popular among users.

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