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What is a resume?

Esta es una discusión para el tema What is a resume? en el foro Discusión General, bajo la categoría General; A resume is a brief professional self-assessment of a candidate for a vacancy. This is your business card containing information ...
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  1. #1
    Fecha de ingreso
    24 jul, 21

    Predeterminado What is a resume?

    A resume is a brief professional self-assessment of a candidate for a vacancy. This is your business card containing information about your professional merits, qualifications and work experience. A resume is a "dress" by which you will be met.

    After reviewing the resume, a specialist of a recruitment agency or a personnel manager will determine you in the category of "promising" or "unpromising" applicants.

    To join the ranks of the "promising" when compiling a resume, follow the following rules.

    When writing a resume, adhere to 4 basic principles:


    Brevity — the optimal resume size is 1 A4 page.

    Concreteness — the exact designation of dates, names of organizations and other necessary information.

    Truthfulness-remember :" everything secret becomes clear."

    Selectivity — information for a resume should be selected based on its goals. In other words, the resume should include a description of exactly those aspects of your experience that are significant for the position you are applying for.

    For example, if you were engaged in scientific work and at the same time consulting, in a resume aimed at obtaining a job in the field of commerce, it is not necessary to describe your scientific achievements and give a list of your scientific works. Pay special attention to the specific skills and knowledge that you have gained in the course of consulting activities. Other achievements should only be mentioned.

    The resume is evaluated according to 2 parameters:

    a) The content of the summary;
    b) The form of the resume (design).

    Resume form

    The resume should be light in appearance and clear in structure. Structure all the information presented in simple sentences, avoiding long formulations, participial and adverbial turns. Avoid using too many special terms. When writing a resume, it is preferable to use a formalized business style. The resume should not contain grammatical errors. Support your successes and achievements with figures and concrete facts.


    Usually the resume consists of 5 thematic blocks:

    1. Personal data
    2. Purpose
    3. Education
    4. Work experience
    5. Additional information

  2. #2
    Fecha de ingreso
    31 oct, 20

    Predeterminado Re: What is a resume?

    It seems to me that before you go for a job, you definitely need to write a good resume, where you show that you are truly passionate about what you are doing. It's great that there are services like that make great resumes for hiring.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    29 jul, 21

    Predeterminado Re: What is a resume?

    Is it a good idea to get help at Cheapwritingservice? Is bestcustomwriting reliable or a scam? I need writing help, but I hesitate to order papers there

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    29 jul, 21

    Predeterminado Re: What is a resume?

    Summary? I created it myself, putting examples of work there. Here is the depositphotos offer an example of works that I exhibit on the portal. Thanks to such sites, you can develop and go in front as a designer. You can also make good money on this if you create content that is in demand.

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